About me

Diana Danyan is a multi faceted artist, with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge in all things self expression. This temperament has unveiled a wide array of interests for Diana, making it quite hard to box her into one medium. From a very young age, she deeply connected with the arts and admired the artists responsible, often fantasizing about one day standing among them and contributing to that process of creation. With that very intention, she moved through life honing her fine art skills well into high school, where she got the opportunity to pick up a film camera for the first time.

For as long as I can remember I was obsessed with creating, or curating, my own “little world” if you would. This nature grew out of my love for film. A medium that I believe does an exceptional job creating “little worlds”. I grew fascinated with how people of various disciplines came together to make something exceptionally beautiful. I took particular interest in the way makeup, wardrobe, and set design could be utilized to create a sense of context and character, how the framing, lighting, and even color palette can then continue to build upon that context and character; creating so much feeling without any explicit narrative. A modern day painting, that is if you pause the movie, enter my relationship with photography. Beginning my junior year of high school, I had the opportunity to take my very first photography class. I signed up and soon fell in love with the history and evolution of the medium. I continued on my art career path, advancing in my fine art classes and accumulating works for my portfolio that would secure my entry into the Delaware College of Art and Design; where I would go on to receive a degree in Photography.

Since earning my degree in 2020, I’ve spent my time continuing to experiment with and refine my creative process. Networking with fellow Delaware creatives to help in the process of bringing visions into reality. In this time I’ve also become certified in teaching yoga and started to teach myself how to play guitar and produce music, recently taking up private lessons through the Delaware School of Music. I also recently left my full time job as I am ready to pour all that I have to make this business thrive and to build something bigger than me that connects and celebrates creatives.

Currently Based in

Newark, DE